
Different modules within the Joy of Life Breathwork Program

We set up a customized breathwork training program on your location of preference - contact me for more information

Stay with yourself - Being you
Three to one method - Alpha and theta training and meditation to integrate the 3 to 1 method - Do not lose yourself in drama. Always be centered and stay with yourself - Breathwork session
Personal lie
What is the unconscious most negative thought that determines your life? We will search for this and go through affirmations to transform this during the breathing session that follows. We learn how to make positive transformational thoughts (affirmations). Breathwork session
Birth trauma
The influence of your birth on your daily life. What negative thoughts did you put in your subconscious mind that still affect your life today? An overview of all types of births and their possible impact. Insights about yourself. Breathwork session.
My future plan
We take stock of our current life. How can I give my life a new direction? Where am I stuck? In which areas am I satisfied and where not? We draw up an action plan for a better and different future. Breathwork session to anchor the intentions made within ourselves.
Breathe through the chakras
The 15 chakras and their meaning. What do they serve and how do we balance them. Energy flowing through all chakras, free and loving, creates a joyous life. How do we let the energy flow back? Breathwork session.
Feet firmly on the ground - Grounding
We need earth energy to materialize or manifest what we want. Proceed to action. We also work on the protection of our own energy so that we are less susceptible to the energetic influences from outside. Exchanging a breathing session.

Different breathing techniques at a glance
We practice different techniques. Breathing technique to sleep better. Breathe extra energy. We experiment with nose and mouth breathing and with belly and breast breathing. A fascinating journey through our own breathing and all its possibilities.
Show your vulnerability - men versus women, women versus men
Healing wounds between men and women. Where did men hurt us? Where did women hurt us? Who is really behind that mask of each of us? Who are you really? Do you dare to show yourself as you really are? Forgiveness. A breathing session to integrate everything afterwards. Ideal for both men and women!

Our childhood and the relationship with our father and mother
We go back to our inner child. Where was this hurt and misunderstanding? How were your parents? Where were they? What kept them busy? An intensive breathing workshop where we work in pairs.
Ancestral trauma / patterns
What have we received energetically from our (for) parents that determines our lives for a while or completely? Through a constellation we search for a specific problem in our ancestor line. Afterwards breathwork session to make contact with this and to transform this.
Previous lives - karmic traumas
Our soul may have not yet processed part of the previous life experiences. A regression meditation through the boundaries of time supplemented with a breathing session to fully integrate it.
Exchange moment consciously connected breathing
For people who want to learn the technique and want to feel how they can give their own sessions. You get and you give a guided session. Afterwards exchange in group to share experiences. An ideal growing group.

Fire purification / Meditation
Cleansing the energetic body with the element FIRE

Breathwork session in the water
Going back in the womb and release conception trauma, prenatal and birth trauma

Modular system - Multi-day program on your location - 
Contact me to define a customized multi-day program and to get a quote

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